Besuch aus Kenia  - Artikel aus der 12. Klasse Englisch

Giving people in Kenya a ,,Choice for life”

A Cooperation between Germany and Kenya to improve living Standards in Kenya

On the 21st of February Wilhelmina Gadi, a Lady from Kenya who represents the organisation ,,Choice for Life”, visited the Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium in Rheinfelden to tell the Students about the project ,,Choice for Life”

,,Choice for Life” is a project, which was initiated in 2002 in Kenya. Kenya is a country on the east coast of Africa. The standard of living in Kenya is low, education is for most people unaffordable and there is a high rate of people infected with Aids. Over 10% of the population is infected and because they don’t have a lot of doctors and don’t know much about Aids the disease spreads. Mrs. Gadi mentioned that in particular among the young, unemployed people who have nothing to do the infection spreads rapidly.

,,Choice for Life” wants to help people suffering from Aids, young people with no hope and orphans and widows with no homes. Currently they are helping 160 orphans. During the presentation she mentioned several goals that they have achieved for example helping children get an education, a school uniform and a school lunch, helping poor people build a house and table-banking, a way people can borrow money without having to pay high interest rates.

The local organisation wouldn’t have managed all this without the support of ,,Fair Aid e.V.”. ,,Fair Aid” was founded in Rheinfelden in 2006 with the goal to support ,,Choice for Life”. Jörg Mauch and Hannes Händel explained different ways they try to raise money. For example they organised a charity run with the primary school in Nollingen where they raised about a 1000 Euro.

The organisations are close and visit each other regularly. Mrs. Gadi said this was her second time in Germany and Jörg Mauch commented that he visits Kenya every two years. It is a great way to help improve Kenya’s future together, even though the project can only help a few individuals. Mauch pointed out that the number of children that are dependent on their help is growing and the money won’t be enough for all of them.

If you want to find out more about ,,Fair Aid” or ,,Choice for life” you can visit their web page and get involved to ensure that every child in Kenya has the opportunity to go to school.

Molly Doo


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